Sergei Miami


Born in 1980 near the Leningrad, Russia I was small and beloved baby. My parents, civil engineers by profession, moved from Leningrad to Snechkus, Lithuania and then to Tallinn, Estonia from one Soviet Union's "great building" to another.

Since childhood I saw how my dad makes radios from small parts and probably liked all that technical things. In age 10, he assembled my first computer from that parts, it was ZX Spectrum 48k with ability to program in Basic. Strong passion for programming came to me from drawing lines and circles on the TV screen, writing simple textual games, hacking ASM and Spectrum's hardware.

When I was 16, family friend presented a real personal computer 486DX 100Mhz with 16 megabytes RAM and 14 kbps modem. It was fun time of gaming, first internet browsing and HTML writing experience. I started to understand that self-education is probably the best way to know the world. We knew how to hack game memory and create more dragons in Heroes, made funny bots in assembler and forced them to fight.

Somewhere between 98'th and 2001 i was in computer shop staff, worked website administrator, computer assembly and repair service. With lots of time and ability to experiment with different technologies i pumped a lots of programming skills like Perl, ASP, PHP, Visual Basic, Delphi, Java, Foxpro and C, wrote many useful applications for different areas of live. Experience with *NIX came along with managing computer club network, international game servers administration, creating websites for gamers, music lovers, hackers and regular users. Days in this company, probably, most productive in my live.

One day I dramatically changed direction, came to work in printing house. Here I learned lots of new things that will be useful for me in future: from polygraphic design to production, whole printing process. Previous skills came in handy for optimization and automation boring parts of work, writing own CRM for our company, improve website and other custom solutions creation. It was 6 years of very interesting time with good friends and colleagues.

My own company founded in 2007. I work in area of information technology services and related, build and administrate custom web systems, applications and sites. More about company and current work can be found in developer profile and company website. Another part of my live was interests in music and photography, i'm trying to combine them from time to time with uncertain success.

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